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School-Connected Organizations

Parent Booster Organizations and Parent Organizations

School-Connected Organizations (SCO) are essential partners in education. They provide additional resources and support opportunities to our students. Elk Grove Unified School District is thankful for the families and community members who put time and effort into supporting extracurricular activities. 
The purpose of this web page is to provide resources to those parents and community members that wish to volunteer or work with a Parent Booster, Parent Teacher Association, or other Parent Organization. 


EGUSD Board Policy & Administrative Regulation 1230 - School-Connected Organizations

The Board of Education recognizes that parents/guardians may wish to organize clubs for the purpose of supporting the educational program and/or extracurricular programs such as athletic teams, debate teams, and musical groups. The Board supports such activities and welcomes parental interest and participation. Parent/guardian clubs shall be especially careful not to seek advantages for the activities they support if those advantages might be detrimental to the entire school program.
The Board requires parent/guardian clubs to have a written statement of purpose and bylaws. The Board recognizes that these organizations are independent of the school or district. In order to protect the district and students, the Superintendent or designee shall establish appropriate controls for the relationship between such organizations and the district.
Groups desiring to be recognized as school-connected organizations shall request authorization from the Board in accordance with conditions established in administrative regulations.

Guidelines for Financial Procedures

Liability Protection

Insurance requirements are determined by EGUSD Risk Management Department for all facility use activities. The type and limits of insurance required depend upon the nature of the activities to be conducted on district property. The typical terms and requirements are below:
Indemnification and Hold Harmless 
The applicant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend EGUSD, its officials, employees, volunteers, students and guests from any and all losses to the applicant’s and district’s property, persons and claims arising from the applicant’s use of said facility.
The applicant agrees to enforce its indemnity and hold harmless obligations, and obtain and maintain in full force for the duration of this agreement, insurance respective of the applicant’s use of said facility. Applicant’s insurance policy shall be at a minimum, Comprehensive General Liability, with limits no less than $2 million on a per occurrence basis, and $4 million in the aggregate. EGUSD shall be listed as Additional Insured endorsed to said policy, and such insurance shall be primary. Insurance shall be evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance, with the Additional Insured endorsement attached.
If you are unable to provide insurance, special event insurance may be available to purchase, depending upon the nature of the activity.
A copy of current insurance information with the endorsement to the district as Additional Insured should be included with the application to expedite the process. Information can be found on the Facilities Use page.

EGUSD Facilities Use

Flyer Approval

Flyer Approval
After coordinating a fundraiser or event with the administrator at a school site, all flyers or announcements must go through the District Flyer Approval process.

The printing and distribution of the flyers is the responsibility of the person/organization who has submitted the flyer.

For elementary school (Prek-6) flyer approval, contact Elementary Education or (916) 686-7704.
For middle or high school flyer approval, contact Secondary Education or (916) 686-7706.

Food Sales Regulation

School-connected organizations are responsible for reviewing and becoming knowledgeable of applicable laws including State and Federal nutritional standards, the district’s Wellness Policy, and county food handling requirements.

Food sales during the school day must meet the nutritional standards. The school day is from the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the school day.

Procedures for Donations

If your organization is planning to fundraise for a beautification project, Capital Project, or Technology, contact the school site to ensure that all necessary departments are involved in the planning and approval process.

Facilities - (916) 686-7711
Accounting - (916)  686-7771 - for monetary donations

To confirm if a vendor is approved with the district, contact the school site that your organization supports.  

Facility Use

Reservations for facility use should be made through Facilitron.

EGUSD Facilities Use


Information on volunteering & fingerprinting can be found on the Human Resources page.

EGUSD Volunteering - Fingerprinting


Information on coaching can be found on the Athletics page.

EGUSD Athletics