Teacher Induction Program
Thank you for your interest in Elk Grove Unified School District’s Teacher Induction Program, a mentored transition into the teaching career for first and second-year teachers.
The Teacher Induction Program:
- Provides consulting teachers to serve each beginning teacher with intensive individualized support and assistance
- Enables beginning teachers to be effective in teaching diverse student populations
- Ensures the professional success and retention of new teachers
Approved Induction Program
The Elk Grove Unified School District Teacher Induction Program is a two-year program fully funded by the district to support teachers in their first two years of teaching. Mentored support is provided by Elk Grove Unified School District consulting teachers.
The Teacher Induction Program is a two-year program and participants receive 45 hours of salary credit per year of completion. Beginning teachers participate in professional development that is aligned with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and is guided by the Individual Learning Plan.
Beginning Teachers who participate in the Teacher Induction Program experience enhanced professional development and become increasingly successful with teaching through a rich and thoughtful induction process. Each gains a professional voice by working in close concert with experienced colleagues to chart their progress through the continuum of skills, knowledge, and abilities associated with each of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
Eligibility Information
Candidates who are eligible for the EGUSD Teacher Induction Program include individuals who are in their first or second year in the teaching profession with a single subject, multiple subject, or educational specialist credential; those teaching on a preliminary credential who were prepared out of state and have less than two years of experience.
Questions regarding eligibility can be directed via e-mail to the Induction Coordinator Elizabeth Steele in the Induction Office.