How to Enroll
Enrollment decisions should be made in the best educational interest of your child. In addition to your neighborhood school, the Elk Grove Unified School District offers a variety of programs that appeal to students’ interests and talents. If you are moving to the Elk Grove Unified School District and either have a child who will soon enter kindergarten or have children already in school, below is important information about enrolling your child for school. You may enroll your child for the current school year at any time, as soon as you establish residency within the district boundaries.
In Elk Grove Unified, schools are aligned by grade level uniformly. Children age 6 years or older must attend school. Education Code [EC] Section 48200
- Early Childhood: Ages 0-4 including PreK
- Elementary School: Grades TK – 6th
- Middle School: Grades 7th – 8th
- High School: Grades 9th – 12th

EGUSD Enrollment Options
EGUSD offers online enrollment at all comprehensive schools through the district’s student information system, Synergy.
Link to Online Enrollment
EGUSD offers online enrollment at all comprehensive schools through the district’s student information system, Synergy.
Link to Online Enrollment
Enrollment FAQ
Enrollment FAQ![]()
What school will my student attend?
If you want to know what school your child will attend, you may use the Online School Locator. If you need further assistance, please call the district’s Boundary Hotline at (916) 686-7755.
What if my home school is filled to capacity?
Although most families are likely to get into their home school, EGUSD is not able to guarantee placement for every child at their home school. If a school is filled to capacity, it could result in new students at the elementary level being offloaded or at the secondary level being redirected to another school within the district.
Parents seeking more information offloading situations at the elementary level can contact the PreK-6 Education office at (916) 686-7704 and for redirecting information, contact the 7-12 Education office at (916) 686-7706.
Will transportation be provided for my child if they are offloaded or redirected?
Students offloaded at district direction between school sites in eligible areas will not be charged a transportation fee. However, students must still register to ride and obtain a bus pass before boarding.
How can I learn more about the District’s transportation options?
The Elk Grove Unified School District Transportation Department provides home-to-school transportation to traditional, year-round and special education students who reside within the board-approved busing guidelines, as well as transportation for field trips. The district’s buses travel more than 2.5 million miles a year and transport more than 10,000 students each day.
- Students/Families
- Synergy
- Enrollment Information
- Resources/Supports
- Attendance Improvement Program
- Child Care
- College and Career
- Digital Citizenship / Internet Safety
- District Handbook
- Early Childhood Education
- Educational Equity
- Family and Community Engagement
- Foster Youth Services
- Homeless Education
- Immigration Protection
- Student and Family Empowerment Centers
- Student Health Supports
- Students Rights
- Transportation Services
- Volunteering / Fingerprinting
- Forms/Quick Links