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Student and Family Empowerment Centers

The SAFE Office provides case management for students and families that are facing challenges such as economic hardships, homelessness, food insecurity, health, dental, vision, mental health concerns, and lack of resources.


Mission and Goal

  • The mission of the Office of Student and Family Empowerment is to remove barriers that impede access to education by collaborating with students, their families, and community partners in order to meet student’s basic needs.
  • Our goal is to improve the educational, health, and social emotional outcomes for EGUSD students and their families.  We do this by providing case management for students and families that are facing challenges such as economic hardships, homelessness, food insecurity, health, dental, vision, mental health concerns, and lack of resources.

What SAFE Centers do:

The SAFE Office team can provide the following resources and supports:
  • Assistance enrolling qualified students in school
  • Backpacks, school supplies, hygiene items
  • Bus passes and transportation support to and from school
  • Referral for medical, dental, mental health, or vision care
  • Referral for housing and shelter services
  • Referral to local food and clothing closets
  • Linkage to insurance enrollment
  • Support services for families on public assistance
  • Connections and referrals to many other community services and resources
Any district employee, student or family member can make a referral to the SAFE Office. You may complete our online referral form or simply contact one of our offices directly to speak with our staff.

Homeless Education Program

The McKinney-Vento Act defines homelessness as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence often caused by economic hardships or other difficult life circumstances.  The definition includes school-age children who have a nighttime residence that is:
  • Shared with another family or friend (doubled up)
  • Staying in a shelter or transitional housing
  • Temporarily living in a motel or hotel
  • Living in a car, park, campground, abandoned building, or other inadequate accommodations
  • Children that are unaccompanied
Students who qualify under the Homeless Education Program have the following rights:
  • Immediate Enrollment
  • Rights to remain in school of origin/feeder school
  • Transportation Support
  • Free and Reduced Lunch
  • Homeless Liaison Support
  • Removal of Barriers to FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education)
  • Enrollment and Extra Curricular Activities
SAFE Program Logo
SAFE Call Center (916) 681-7577
Serving all school sites in the Elk Grove Unified School District

SAFE Center Locations

David Reese SAFE Center
Serves all Secondary and Elementary Schools East of Highway 99.
7600 Lindale Drive Sacramento, CA 95828
Phone: (916) 392-9081 | Fax: (916) 394-1634
Valley SAFE Center
Serves all  Elementary and Secondary Schools West of Highway 99.
6300 Ehrhardt Avenue Sacramento, CA 95823
Phone: (916) 681-7577 | Fax: (916) 681-7578
EGUSD Homeless Liaison
Tami Silvera, Program Specialist
(916) 686-7568

You CAN Enroll in School

You CAN Enroll in School

To access the Homeless Education Program services please complete our online referral form or contact one of our offices directly to speak with our staff.


Project TEACH – Project TEACH, a program of the Sacramento County Office of Education, coordinates services with school districts, charter schools, and other agencies.
CA Coalition for Youth and the CA Youth Crisis Line – The California Youth Crisis Line (CYCL) operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week as the statewide emergency response system for youth (ages 12-24) and families in crisis (800) 843-5200.
Wind Youth Services – We provide a safe, non-judgmental space for homeless and runaway youth away from the dangers of the street. Wind 24-Hour Shelter Line: (916) 628-1492
Elk Grove HART – Elk Grove HART was formed in 2010 to provide local services to the growing number of homeless in Elk Grove. Our goal is to assist those experiencing homelessness in Elk Grove toward self-sufficiency and greater independence. (916) 623-5858
Elk Grove Food Bank Services – The Elk Grove Food Bank provides essential resources to overcome the many faces of hunger and human need. (916) 685-8453
SchoolHouse Connection – SchoolHouse Connection is a national non-profit organization working to overcome homelessness through education.
NAEHCY – The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) is a national membership association dedicated to educational equity and excellence for children and youth experiencing homelessness. NAEHCY’s vision is that every child and youth experiencing homelessness is successful in school, from early childhood through higher education.
EGUSD Family Resources – This family resources website was created by EGUSD’s Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Office and is updated regularly and includes ideas for various at-home activities, community resources, social and emotional learning supports, family workshops, and more.

Sacramento County Shelters and Resources

Cottage Housing, Inc.
(916) 492-9065 ext. 11
Lutheran Social Services
(916) 453-2900 ext. 200
My Sister’s House
(916) 428-3271
Next Move
(916) 455-2160
Sacramento Crisis Nurseries
North Nursery (916) 679-3600
South Nursery (916) 394-2000
Volunteers of America
(916) 443-4688
Wind Youth Services
Drop-In Center: (916) 561-4900
Youth Shelter: (800) 339-7177